LEGO Serious Play workshops

Do you need a fun teambuilding activity or a new method for engaging and inspiring your workforce? If so, then LEGO Serious Play could be just what you’re looking for…

As a trained LEGO Serious Play facilitator I regularly use this innovative and fun methodology to help people to explore their working lives more deeply. The method is ideal for team/staff away days or any other session intended to bring people together and promote better understanding of goals and drivers. LEGO workshops also foster better understanding of working relationships and help to celebrate different personalities and approaches within teams.

Workshops can be tailored to different organisational needs. Typically  the primary focus is one of the following:
– teambuilding
– problem-solving
– creative thinking

A LEGO workshop may sound like just messing about with bricks but the methodology has a serious and potentially transformative purpose, hence ‘Serious  Play’. LEGO Serious Play is currently used in corporate and academic institutions throughout the world and is grounded in the theories of constructivism (we learn when our experience and ideas interact) and constructionism (we learn when physically making an object). It is widely recognised that children can learn through play, but the same is also true for adults…

LEGO Serious Play works because through this engaging medium attendees are able to:

  • perform divergent thinking (embracing creativity and spontaneity);
  • generate ideas individually as well as in a group (you can be twice as productive if you come up with ideas alone);
  • spend time playing thereby unlocking their fullest imagination (adults need to rediscover the lost art of play in order to access innovative solutions);
  • tell stories (storytelling brings people together emotionally and promotes deeper understanding).

LEGO Serious Play sessions are always enjoyed by attendees, and even the most reluctant or cynical leave workshops converted to their value and surprised by how much they have learned:

Some recent clients include: NHS, Farfetch Design, The Brand Agency – New Zealand, Gates Scholars – Cambridge, Stockholm Public Libraries, King’s College London, Redgate Software, University of Glasgow; Oxford Brookes University, The Leys School Cambridge, Schlumberger Gould Research, and Bath Spa University.


LEGO SERIOUS PLAY testimonials:

‘The LEGO Serious Play workshop was by far the best training I have attended! Andy kept me engaged for the entire day but also facilitated a wonderful session which I could not recommend more! Very insightful!’
Nikita Renwood, Head of Operations, Deakin University, Australia

‘The LEGO session really opened up our thought process, was stimulating and quickly got everyone involved in our planning goal. The session flew by and was enormous fun. Expertly facilitated too.’
Ed Kragh, Research Director, Geophysics, Schlumberger Gould Research

‘I must admit to some thoughts about grown people playing with LEGO but it was possibly one of the most stimulating and interesting training sessions I have been on.’Bill Simmonett, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, UK

‘I was surprised at how interesting and absorbing the session was. Thinking with LEGO is different from all other types of creative thinking and I highly recommend that other people try it. The perceived aim of improving understanding of other members of the team was definitely achieved through this unique medium. Thanks Andy!’
Phil Ashton, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Read more testimonials.

Email me to find out more about LEGO Serious Play and a workshop that would suit your needs.